How to Scrape Unlimited Leads from Google
Step 1: Use Advanced Google Search to Find Ideal Clients
To find your ideal clients, use Google’s advanced search operators:
Use allintitle search (allintitle: Industry) to find highly relevant results within a specific industry.
Use the minus sign (-reddit -linkedin -youtube -upwork -fiverr -udemy -blog -job -careers -hire) to exclude non-business-related sites and irrelevant results.
Use OR operator ("B2B marketing" OR "demand generation") to broaden your search.
Example Google Search:
allintitle: lead generation agency -reddit -linkedin -youtube -upwork -fiverr -udemy -blog
Experiment with these operators to refine your search results and find relevant websites.
Step 2: Install Instant Data Scraper
Download and install Instant Data Scraper from the Chrome Web Store.
Open Google and run a search query based on the ideal client profile.
Click on the Instant Data Scraper extension and allow it to scan the page.
Adjust settings as needed and start scraping the results.
Export the scraped data as a CSV or copy it to a Google Sheet.
Step 3: Use AnyMailFinder to Find Decision-Maker Emails
Go to
Upload the list of scraped websites or search for decision-makers manually.
Extract verified email addresses of key decision-makers.
Download the results and merge them with your scraped data.
Step 4: Clean the List in Google Sheets
Cleaning your list ensures accuracy in outreach:
Extract First Name from Full Name: Use the formula to extract the first name from a full name column:
=LEFT(A2, SEARCH(" ", A2) - 1)
Apply this formula to the entire column where A2 is the full name field.
Once cleaned, your lead list is ready for outreach!